Project Notes

Pioneer Plaza

Sioux Falls, SD
Design Elements
Urban Plaza / Part of City Greenway / Two Dining Patios

Pioneer Plaza is an urban plaza located in downtown Sioux Falls that provides a pedestrian and bicycle connection from Phillips Avenue to the downtown River Greenway along the Big Sioux River. Stockwell was tasked with analyzing the existing site, infrastructure, programed use, and pedestrian movement within the plaza and creating a master plan that would address the current and future needs of the City of Sioux Falls and adjacent businesses. The goal of the master plan was to create a plaza that would rejuvenate the space and activate the commercial businesses in the adjacent building. The proposed master plan overcame many design challenges including significant topography changes, ADA accessibility, and existing electrical and communication infrastructure to create a truly open and usable urban space. When built, the plaza will accommodate outdoor dining, an activated Phillips Avenue streetscape, a historic fountain, updated historic lighting, and an ADA connection to the greenway.


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