Project Notes

Harrisburg Water Reclamation Facility

Harrisburg, SD
Construction Administration
Site Design
Wastewater System Design
Design Elements
Facility Plan Development / Land Acquisition Assistance / Design / Construction Administration Services / 1 Million Gallons/Day (MGD) AEROMOD System with Ability to Expand to 4 MGD

The City of Harrisburg contracted with Stockwell Engineers to design and administer construction of a new wastewater treatment facility in October 2018. The project began with preparing a facility plan to evaluate treatment alternatives and to assist the City with securing funding through the State’s Revolving Fund (SRF) program. Upon the City’s and State’s approval, Stockwell Engineers began design services of the new facility, which included land acquisition assistance and design of pretreatment, biological treatment with nutrient removal, final clarification, disinfection, reaeration facilities and solids handling facilities. In addition, the project included improvements to an existing lift station to pump raw wastewater to the new treatment facility, an effluent pump station and approximately six (6) miles of forcemain that discharges treated wastewater to the Big Sioux River.

Harrisburg is a rapidly growing community, so the facility was designed for easy expansion. For example, the effluent lift station is designed for a current peak hydraulic load of four (4) MGD with the ability to expand to a peak hydraulic load of twelve (12) MGD. Also, space for future biological treatment basins were incorporated into the design to accommodate future loading.

The project was bid through the Construction Manager at Risk (CMr) delivery method and is currently under construction. Henry Carlson Company was awarded the CMr contract. The facility is scheduled to be operational October 2021.


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